BigWeather's Blog

July 20, 2015

Gold Bust

Filed under: Travel — Tags: — BigWeather @ 11:59 pm

After the very long day touring and driving yesterday and arriving at 1a at our hotel the family got some much needed sleep.  While Michelle and I got up at 8a or so we let the kids sleep until 10a.  Packed up and headed out, eating brunch at Gwennies — I had the eggs, bacon, and french toast special as did Michelle.  Addison had steak and eggs and Genetta an omelet.   Afterwards we hit REI for some ear warmth protection for the boat trip on Tuesday.  I headed over to the adjacent used bookstore and picked up a book to read on the flight back.

Hit the road on this beautiful sunny day, AK1 down through Turnagain Arm as we did earlier in the vacation.  Stopped at Bird Point for some photos and then headed to the town of Girdwood where we went up to Crow Creek Mine.  Addison and I put on our cannery boots that we bought in Homer and got a quick panning demonstration and practiced.  Took our shovel and pan down to the stream and set to panning.

View up Turnagain Arm from Bird Point on a gorgeous (rare) sunny day

Mountain near Crow Creek Mine in Girdwood, Alaska

Panning stream at Crow Creek Mine -- the view was nice, at least!

Newsflash: We didn’t find anything.  I’ll be back at work next week, haha.  I really didn’t expect to find much of anything but rather was happy to enjoy the sunny day, the cool glacial stream rushing by and the towering peaks.  Addison didn’t really appreciate that and was just mostly bummed to not find any gold.  Ah, well — I enjoyed my time panning with him.  Headed back up and checked out some of the old mining buildings, mostly from the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush.  Fairly interesting but by this time it was 5p and we really needed to hit the road again.

Another building at Crow Creek Mine

Building at Crow Creek Mine

Kitchen reconstruction at Crow Creek Mine

Due to construction it took a bit longer to reach our destination of Seward than we had hoped.  Couldn’t ask for prettier scenery along the way, though.  Green treeless hills, jagged peaks with snow and glaciers, milky white glacial lakes, etc.  Got into Seward about 7p and checked into the Hotel Seward.  Tonigh we’re staying in two rooms in the old hotel, tomorrow a single room in the newer hotel.  The rooms are a bit spartan, in fact the toilet and shower are down the hall and shared with other guests.  Oh well, it is all we could get booked with so little notice.  Addison also noted the WiFi was really bad (and I can attest to that!).

Treeless green hills on the road to Seward

View on the road to Seward, we need to take that train trip sometime!

How many shades of green can one mountain have?

Pretty view found near Seward, Alaska

Welcome to Seward, our home for the next two days

Went to dinner at the Gold Rush Bistro.  Genetta, Addison, and I all had the Northwestern Burger, basically a burger with BBQ sauce, onion straws, bacon, and cheese.  Good stuff.  Michelle had clam chowder and a salad — she enjoyed it.  Headed to a gift shop but as they were closing we had to rush.  Squeezed into an ice cream shop just before 9p closing and had a coffee ice cream cone that was OK.

Walked around the seafront and looked at the gorgeous mountains that surround the town.  Saw a couple of river otters floating in the bay, though Addison insisted they were logs.  Also saw the beginning of the Iditarod Trail that ran (runs?) from Seward to Nome.  The oddest thing we saw was a reindeer on a leash.  Headed back to the room and turned in after blogging a bit.  Big day tomorrow with the boat tour!

Looking south down Resurrection Bay from Seward

Looking east across Resurrection Bay

Sign marking the start of the famous Iditarod Trail in Seward

Looking east across Resurrection Bay

Sea otter in Resurrection Bay

Fishing boat returning to Seward small boat harbor


Love the tiles on the exterior of the Seward Library

Historic Hotel Seward, built in the early 1900s

Route for Monday, July 20, 2015

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