BigWeather's Blog

July 21, 2014

White Squirrel Sighting

Filed under: Travel — Tags: — BigWeather @ 11:59 pm

Michelle and I departed on our getaway a bit later than planned, about 10:30a, after a breakfast of eggs and fruit.  It was raining most of the way, though it let up while we ate at Smithfield’s in Greensboro.  We arrived in Brevard, a town about 30 miles southwest of Asheville, about 3:30p.

Had a great visit with Michelle’s Aunt Wilda.  We ate fried chicken salad from Zaxby’s and cups of fresh fruit.  We talked a bit and got some pamphlets on stuff to do around Brevard.  About 5p we headed to downtown but most of the shops had closed.  We did get to visit a toy store, O.P. Taylor’s.  They had a really neat slot car raceway set up.  We also went into a store that had restoration supplies salvaged from old homes like old boards, bricks from the mid-1800s, etc.

Headed to our hotel for the night, the Holiday Inn Express at Ecusta just north of Brevard.  The lady at the front desk recommended a nice walking trail that started near the hotel and went by an old mill site, the community ball fields, and then past the hospital’s grounds before proceeding further down alongside the road towards Brevard’s downtown.  It was a fantastic four mile walk — we heard many birds and frogs and saw one of Brevard’s famed white-as-snow squirrels.  We also heard banjo / bluegrass music coming from a large building across the railroad tracks — and it wasn’t even that scary (they weren’t dueling banjos, at least)!

Back at the hotel we got a recommendation for a pizza place down the street, Jet’s.  It was deep dish style and quite good, Michelle had cheese and I had sausage and pepperoni.  Watched some Major Crimes and Longmire on TV and turned in about 11:30p.

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