BigWeather's Blog

October 23, 2011

New version of Into the New World available…

Filed under: Game Development — Tags: — BigWeather @ 2:30 am

Well, that took longer than expected!  I spent an extra week and then some polishing and adding features.  It also actually feels like a game now, in that it has a beginning and end (in death or return to Europe).  It has rudimentary discovery of points of interest, trading, and combat.  It is lacking quite a bit (captains, building, Europe for the most part, etc.) but it’s a definite step towards what I originally imagined for this game.  Also note that the combat window is a bit… bare bones… and I really, really need to put tooltips everywhere.  Also don’t take all of the Natives’ food — I haven’t put in code to protect against that (but will soon).

Get the latest version here.

The explorer encounters a city upon disembarking

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