BigWeather's Blog

July 7, 2016


Filed under: Travel — Tags: — BigWeather @ 11:59 pm

We woke up about 6a or so and finished packing.  Genetta and I headed upstairs for one last Hotel Bolivar breakfast as soon as they opened at 7a.  Checked out of our room and got a car to FCO for our 11:45a flight.  The driver was really, really tired.  Though he didn’t speak much English I did my best to keep him alert.  Kind of scary, but we made it — and along the way drove past the Colosseum and the Pyramid of Cestius.

What is interesting is that United States and Israel bound airlines leave from terminal 5, totally separate from the rest of the airport and packed with extra security including heavily armed soldiers.  We had to take all of our electronics, etc. and put them in a clear bag.  After that we were bused to yet another building that served as the departure gate area.

As the gate area was very crowded the line was too long to get breakfast, so we settled for buying snacks like pretzels for the trip from a convenience area.  Genetta was amused by a vending machine with an Italian / German water bottle.

Finally got on the plane via a bus and walking onto the plane via a mobile stairway — yet another security precaution.  The plane was a 2-4-2 configuration, we sat in the left 2 with Genetta at the window.  I spent most of the flight watching movies: Ant Man, Django Unchained, Money Ball, and half of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.  The time really flew by with the distractions.  The flight crew was great.  The food wasn’t so bad either — pasta and tomato sauce, laughing cow cheese, cracker with butter, salad, and apple crumble.  Genetta had chicken and rice.  Multiple passes with the drink cart too, including ginger ale.  Yummy.

Right before landing we had a snack of a ham and cheese sandwich (served hot) and a blueberry crumble.  We landed in Charlotte about 4p local time and went through crazy immigration that included having to get our luggage and immediately check it back in.  Despite that, made it to the gate and on the plane to Raleigh with plenty of time to spare.  It was a short flight and unusual with an all-male crew.

Met Michelle just after 7p at the airport with our minivan and headed to Remington Grill to eat (it was Fish Fry Thursday, after all!).  I wasn’t feeling that great and had jet lag so after some unpacking headed to bed early.  What a trip!

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